# Changelog ## 0.4.2 - Documentation and CoC updates to improve developer access (Thank you PyLadies Vancouver!) - The `text/plain` media type is now visible when calling `notebook.cell_output_text(idx)` ## 0.4.1 - check for errors when `allow_errors` is true ## 0.4.0 - Testbook now returns actual object for JSON serializable objects instead of reference objects. Please note that this may break tests written with prior versions. ## 0.3.0 - Implemented container methods -- __len__ -- __iter__ -- __next__ -- __getitem__ -- __setitem__ -- __contains__ - Fixed testbook to work with ipykernel 5.5 ## 0.2.6 - Fixed Python underscore (`_`) issue ## 0.2.5 - Fixed testbook decorator. ## 0.2.4 - Add `cell_execute_result` to `TestbookNotebookClient` - Use testbook decorator with pytest fixture and marker ## 0.2.3 - Accept notebook node as argument to testbook - Added support for specifying kernel with `kernel_name` kwarg ## 0.2.2 - Added support for passing notebook as file-like object or path as str ## 0.2.1 - Added support for `allow_errors` ## 0.2.0 - Changed to new package name `testbook` - Supports for patch and patch_dict - Slices now supported for execute patterns - Raises TestbookRuntimeError for all exceptions that occur during cell execution ## 0.1.3 - Added warning about package name change ## 0.1.2 - Updated docs link in setup.py ## 0.1.1 - Unpin dependencies ## 0.1.0 - Initial release with basic features